To everyone who is part of Starry: our valued employees, customers, partners and investors.

You may have been wondering why Starry or I haven’t spoken out on social media this week. 对我来说,这是一个深思熟虑的选择.

I am a person of color, a minority immigrant who was not born into privilege. 我在美国也有过被歧视的经历, but I cannot even begin to imagine what a Black person in this country experiences. 我知道对不受质疑的权威的恐惧, misguided policies and have firsthand experience with being beaten by the police in my home country. My life experiences make me deeply skeptical of empty words because I have seen them used to deflect, 安抚并最终, 操纵公众.

本周, we’ve seen companies and organizations of all stripes posting blackout banners and messages of support on Instagram and other channels, 但我们真正的问题是, 他们会采取什么行动来真正推动变革呢? 和 what actions will we take, beyond words, to be the change we think is necessary?

我们一次又一次地看到它. Companies wrap themselves in social justice movements to burnish a brand position or just to play defense. 他们发布了漂亮的社交帖子, television advertisements and even donate gobs of money to great organizations. 但随后,它们就停止了. They move on and leave a rubble of broken promises and cynical people in their wake, 而我们需要的是实现梦想的勇气, 持久的改变.

也许有些人不明白, 但这些空洞的“我和你在一起”语句的目的是麻醉.  An empty “我支持你’ is the equivalent of a cheap sugar rush with no sustaining nutritional value for society.  经常, these same companies spend untold millions to water down regulations and pass spectacularly damaging legislation.  和, 我们所谓的社交平台可能更具破坏性, given their reach and the utter chaos that exists in their naive and unformed approach to ‘standards of practice.’

这不仅仅是讽刺, but utterly predictable that calls for unity are made on platforms that are nothing more than mere tools for monetizing public sentiment, 无论公众情绪如何倾向.


“黑人的生命”本周才开始受到关注. 黑人的生命一直很重要. But the social fabric of our country is fundamentally unequal and it’s my belief that we all have a responsibility to do something about it, 要做的不仅仅是发一条推特说, “我支持你.’ Each one of us has a responsibility to do more than just be outraged about George Floyd’s murder.

星空是一家极速赛车正规官网开奖网址服务提供商. We’re founded on the simple idea that everyone deserves affordable internet access. 为什么? 因为极速赛车正规官网开奖网址接入是通往经济机会的桥梁, 教育, 医疗保健等等. Internet access can fuel social advancement and wealth creation unlike any other utility. 然而,, millions of Americans – the vast majority of whom are people of color – are locked out of that opportunity.

我们成立公司就是为了打破一个我们觉得负担不起的系统, 不平等,由不受监管的垄断企业主导. There’s a reason why communities of color – Black communities – are underserved and under-connected and these are the structural barriers that we’re trying to break down.  Internet access is the modern equivalent to having roads and electricity; if you and your community don’t have it, 你在现代社会没有成功的机会.

系统性不平等无处不在——不仅仅是在警务领域, 还有我们的教育, 医疗保健系统和我们生活的地方. 我们知道种族隔离的社区会滋生无知和恐惧.  和 let’s not forget which communities have disproportionately borne the impacts of COVID-19. Communities of color continue to pay the price for this inequality – often with their lives – while the stock market continues to tick upward. 这告诉我们什么? 它告诉我, there is a vast disconnect between the reality of Black Lives in America and how our society values those lives.  每个人都会犯错, 我知道我有, but surely the answer to all problems cannot be excessive militarization of law enforcement and a presumption of guilt based on circumstances.

Our great American experiment can only continue if everyone has a fair shot at being full participants in this great system that is supposed to be for the people, 由人民.

星空公司无法独自解决种族和经济不公正问题,没有任何一个实体可以做到. 但我们可以继续做我们擅长的事情:低成本交付, high-quality internet access to communities ignored and long forgotten by the system. 这是我们可以解决的问题.  I believe that governments can provide resources and help set the agenda for change, 但最终要靠我们来建设未来.

非暴力抗议和示威有多种目的.  One of the most important purposes that peaceful demonstration serves is that it can create lasting inspiration for change. I hope what emerges from this moment is more than just words and empty promises.  我不想浪费这一刻, and I want to challenge myself and others around me to do our duty to our collective society.

Here’s my commitment to our employees, our subscribers and the communities we serve:

·我们将继续履行我们的使命和我们开始做的事情. We’re going to expand more broadband opportunity through our 星光熠熠的连接 program. That means doubling down on serving public and affordable housing communities and finding new and creative ways to deliver free and low-cost internet access.

·      We’re going to launch later this year the Starry Apprenticeship Program, 为有色人种社区提供更多的经济机会, 通过建立良好的培训和就业渠道, 我们公司的高薪工作.

·和, 我们将继续听取员工的意见, our subscribers and our communities to ensure that our words match our actions, 在我们的业务和政策中.  We don’t have a monopoly on good ideas, but we'll take every good one that comes our way.

So, 如果你是一家公司或投资者,说黑人的命也是命, 你必须言行一致. That means, build businesses, products and services that serve diverse communities. Invest in entrepreneurs and communities that don’t look like or have the same life experiences as you. 最重要的是, hire people that don’t look like you; hire people that reflect the community you serve and empower them.

当涉及到反对不平等和争取种族正义时, 扩大极速赛车正规官网开奖网址接入是我们拼图中非常小的一块. 这就是我们的使命, so we will go about doing that with as much integrity and passion as we can find in ourselves and others like us.





